Pedagogy of Early Childhood Learning
One of the most influential frameworks in early childhood education is known as, the Victorian Early years Learning and Development framework. This framework is said to advance learning among children below the age of eight years. The framework is able to enhance development through the having early childhood professionals work with children at an early age. Other stakeholders who are important in the proper implementation of the framework include families. Any early childhood professional in this case includes any educator works together with children from the time of birth to the age of eight and their families. However, this does not exclude child health nurses or maternal nurses (Victorian early, 2009).
It is argued that human beings are born in a social scene or setting. This means that an infant’s survival in the world today depends on the social environment especially in the early childhood years. The process of learning in the early years of a child also has a social dimension. The early discoveries of a child depend on how the mother interacts with the child. Through the various interactions the mother is able to teach the child to adjust to various changes in environment and also how to adapt to it. Parents therefore, have a very important role to play in ensuring that their children are brought in a manner that will boost positive learning outcomes. This shows that effective pedagogical does not only depend on the early childhood educators alone (Entz, n.d.).
Fox argued that what happens before school is very important, because it actually prepares students for the future ahead of them. Children need different kinds of knowledge that is knowledge of print, the world, language among others in order to become good readers. All those involved in early childhood education should thus, attempt to make what is unfamiliar to children to be more familiar. The new ideas that are always being invented in the world today entail a whole new level of understanding. All these ideas that Fox supported which promoted effective pedagogical practices have a strong link to the Victorian Department of education’s which also happens to support schooling for children particularly in their early years (Bickley, 2004).
Effective pedagogy is well implemented if it is based on three factors that include principles, professionalism and practice. The concept of practice looks into how pedagogy is implemented which can be through the planning and interaction process in class. Professionalism is more related to the qualities of the knowledge and education that teachers present to teachers. It also entails how teachers think at their professional level and the past experience that they have had in their career especially on how they relate to students. Principles are also another important element which include that of the role of learning and teaching roles that teachers have. It is not only students who learn but also teachers learn from their own students. Learning from students can enable teachers to improve their teaching approach which ought to be balanced. Pedagogy practices can thus, be seen as complex as it involves so many elements and so many people who are involved in the early childhood education (Dockett et al., 2007).
There is a significant relationship between high quality early childhood services that can be offered by many learning institutions and those of social and intellectual outcomes. Quality outcomes can be influenced by the kind of interactions that children have with the staff within an educational institution. If there is a good responsive interaction between the staff and children then there are high chances of better outcomes. Staff members who are also highly qualified are also more likely to have a positive influence on the quality of education that students receive. The level of experience offered in the educational program is also essential in getting higher quality outcomes, experience may come in form of provision of literacy, numeracy and the capability of catering for diversity (Dockett et al., 2007). Early childhood development is part of enhancing early childhood education. However, a child’s development cannot be understood by the study of one child alone, but also examining the external social environment (Tharp & Gallimore, 2002).
There have been some changes in the functions of early childhood education, before children go to primary school. It is thus essential to have early childhood educators who are well fit for the job so as to have a positive impact on children (Entz, n.d.). The period before going to primary school has in the past been described as the period where, children learn how to socialize, preparation for development that is intellectually and finally as a period of leisure. That is why there is an inclusion of other professionals who may not necessarily be educators such as health practitioners (Chamboredon & Prevot, 1975).
Quality teaching is an important aspect in practicing effective pedagogical practices. Quality teaching can only be attained when the teacher has well mastered the content of the national curriculum or syllabus well. Childhood educators also have to learn and appreciate the forms of standards of teaching. Through this they are placed in a position where they can clearly articulate the goals that they have as professionals and even communicate to the children and parents of what their expectations are. This will also enable parents, children and the community to work in ensuring that they are working towards the same goals (Entz, n.d.).
In order to learn children need to be in an environment where there are instructional strategies and techniques which enable them to learn and also gives them the opportunities they need to acquire skills, attitude and knowledge. On the other hand, there has to be a process of social interaction between a teacher, child and the environment which may include the family and the community at large. All this is known as pedagogy. One can thus, say that there is a strong relationship between the pedagogy and what early childhood entails (Dockett et al., 2007).
Early childhood education is more than just ensuring that children have access to good quality education. The educational services that are given to children in their years are also a way of ensuring that the national goals are met. For instance, that the children in the country are well nurtured to be promising citizens which actually boosts the achievement of national goals (New & Cochran, 2008).
In order to realize the most effective principles of pedagogical practices, teachers have to look at each principle and look at how these principles can be implemented to be more effective. There are many ways through which the main pedagogical principles can be further enhanced to meet the need of children. Having an effective pedagogy is essential in ensuring that all children get to have a good opportunity to excel in their early and future intellectual development (Dunphy, n.d.).
It is said that effective pedagogical practices entails conducting an assessment of children’s achievement so that a teacher can be able to know the next steps that van be taken to improve a child’s ability to learn. The class system in this case can be closely linked to this practice of having an assessment regarding a child’s achievement especially during the early years (Siraj-Blatchford, et al., 2002).
Other than the class system giving an assessment on how teacher-child interactions can be effective it also provides a set of resources which actually boosts the quality of interactions. Teachers play an important role in ensuring that the kind of programmes that they implement in class improves the quality of interactions that is between them and the children. In this case all teachers have to be well professionally prepared (Hamre et al.,2009).
The early learning framework is based on the actual functions’ of early childhood services that include teachers. The Class system actually even farther gives more emphasis on the proper implementation programme through better interactions between teachers and children. The CLASS system can therefore, be said to be the ideal foundation for the proper implementation of the early framework. This is because are actually able to learn and develop well through the relationship that they have with the people around them. On the other hand, through this relationship there is reciprocal participation. The experience that children have at an early age also enables children to also know how to engage with the people around them as crucial partners in their development (Towards an early years.2008).
According to Vygotsky’s, Social cultural theory in order to promote cognitive development there has to be some level of social interaction. The social interaction should be based on inter-subjectivity and social support. Inter subjectivity can be achieved through peer interaction which improves cognitive development. When children are involved in the planning and problem solving they get to even interact more with teachers. The CLASS system can thus be said to be very relevant, because it involves cognitive development through problem solving and inter-subjectivity as peers interact (Cognitive development. n.d.).
In order to have an effective pedagogy there has to be a proper balance between two main approaches. The two approaches include that of the interaction related to teaching and also the provision of a proper learning environment. It is argued that in a situation where children have chosen to play in an environment which is instructive, it is even easier for adults to intervene, which also makes the learning process to be more effective. Teachers should thus focus more on how often they interact with children. The more they increase the level interaction process then there are higher chances of having a positive impact on the child’s education (Siraj-Blatchford, et al. 2002).
In order to identify the strategies that are used in pedagogical practices, teachers also have to have a critical reflection or thinking. This means that they have to assess each strategy made and look at how effective it is, and if not, how it can be farther enhanced. Teachers can learn to be critical by looking at the weakness and strengths of some pedagogical practices (Early childhood practimum.2011).
Gore argued that looking at the practices of pedagogy as a fact can help individuals or all early childhood education to practice the pedagogical practices in a different way that can help in the boosting education among children at an early age. On the other hand, looking at the pedagogical practices as truths can help us understand more on how these practices can be farther implemented. Many researchers and educators have tried legitimizing their pedagogies, it is thus important to look at those which are more effective (MacNaughton, 2005).
It is important to note that the past pedagogical practices have only focused on the potential and abilities of a child rather than focusing on the ideas in relation to their development and learning. If one is able to focus on how a child is making progress through the ideas then one can be able to tell on the potential of a child. The focus on a child’s ability is strength, but it can also to be looked into from a development perspective. For instance children who are making positive development intellectually and socially have a potential in making good achievements in their early education (Grotewell & Burton, 2008).
Pedagogical practices can be very effective in a large class. This is because a student is placed in a class where there are high chances of getting diverse ideas from colleagues. This diversity enhances learning which is focused on the basis of active, collaborative and reflective learning. There is a higher chance of students being active because the diversity of the class enables them to respond to various issues in class. Pedagogical practices can thus be well implemented in a large classroom setting (Varma & Garg, n.d..).
Families are also expected to intervene well in the education of children. Family members and adults are meant to give a criticism which is constructive, reinforce positive learning outcomes and enhance positive behavior. It is through these positive behaviors that are instilled in children which will enable them to learn well, since they already have a positive attitude. Family members are also meant to help children in doing assignments that they may find difficult. Through this children can develop confidence so that they can have the courage to ask for anything in class that they may find it difficult (Mortmore, 1999).
In order to implement the pedagogical practical in class, teachers have to respect the development process of each child. This is because there are children who develop faster than other children. It is also important to support other people who contribute to early childhood development such as family members. The class environment also has to be very good in terms of enabling children to learn more. The environment has to be caring and nurturing both at home and in class (Berthelsen, 2009).
Teachers have to use different approach to students who have special needs. For instance, teachers can use an individual learning improvement approach among students who need more help in catching up with the rest of their classmates. Parents can also be involved in this process because they are more likely to even understand their Childs intellectual background compared to other teachers. Early intervention to students who have special needs than others also increases the chances of such students in catching up with rest of their classmates. Programs such as reading recovery have enabled students with different students to be at the same level. The reading recovery program is about meeting the needs of students as an individual. A teacher is thus able to look at a student’s weakness and know how they can be strengthened .On the other hand, each student is able to be monitored well and is given the support that they need. Children who are considered to be low achievers are thus, not isolated from the rest of the class (Bickley, 2004).
Students ought to be the center of the curriculum interactions and arrangements. There are thus high expectations of students especially if the teachers apply the pedagogical practices. Teachers can thus go farther in developing student’s knowledge through creating a competitive environment where each student is expected to give their own opinion. Through this students gain more confidence in expressing what they have learnt to others. Teachers have to be trained in the theory based on pedagogy and how to implement in a classroom situation (Learning Centered Schools, n.d.).
Pedagogical practice in early childhood education is a balanced approach which makes it compatible with the Victorian essential learning standards. One of the main goals in the Victorian standards is to ensure that young learners are able to be the central part of the learning process throughout their lives. It is therefore, up to the teachers to develop and select one of the most appropriate teaching approaches, which can also bring about the potential of all students. The proper implementation of effective pedagogical learning can be achieved when teachers also realize how complex teaching can be and how to also balance the strategies that they implement and the needs of the students. It is also important to note that one of the most important elements of the teaching strategies should be that of increasing a student’s independence (Bickley, 2004).
Pedagogical practices can thus be well implemented, if teachers understand what pedagogical practices and potential it has. This is through teachers adopting critical thinking in pedagogy in relation to early child education. Through this teachers can look at the strengths and weakness of pedagogical practices and look at how they can farther strengthen certain elements. It is also important to note that pedagogy practices in early childhood can also be well implemented if educators; parents and the community know the role that they have to play in enhancing early childhood education. Having a balanced approach to literacy among teachers can thus be said to be a major factor that contributes to effective pedagogical practices. Once a teacher brings in a balanced approach other important parties such as children and parents can later come in and learn how to contribute to the balanced approach.
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